Pie chart showing the value in the center
There are features that CCC presents and that we don't yet know about, so you should keep an eye on the CCC forum (http://forums.pentaho.com/showthread.php?161089-CCC-FAQ-Frequently-Asked-Questions-About-CCC) and Duarte Cunha fiddles (http://jsfiddle.net/user/duarteleao/fiddles). The following example has been generated with some simple options that can make a difference. Of course, you also could achieve this with CSS, but it would make your life harder.

To get the result just shown, for each one of the charts we could apply the following options:
function() { var cd = this.chartDefinition; var options = { valuesVisible: true, valuesLabelStyle: 'inside', valuesFont: '35px sans-serif', valuesMask: '{value.percent}', label_visible: function() { return !this.index; }, label_left: null, label_top: null, label_textAngle: 0, label_textAlign: 'center', label_textBaseline...