The problem statement
The problem that we are going to solve is related to an employee benefit management system. This is a system where the employees of an organization can log in and see the benefits that they are entitled to and utilize the benefits. A very simple example of an employee benefit is leave. Every employee of an organization is entitled to get paid or unpaid leave. Employees have the right to take days off when they need by using their leave entitlement, but there are rules around how many leaves a particular employee is entitled to and how he/she can utilize his/her leave.
There are two main actors or end users of this system. The first is evidently an employee, and the second is an administrator user. An employee can see only his/her benefits. An administrator user on the other hand can see everyone else's benefits and can add/delete benefits. An administrator can be an employee himself/herself.
This is a brief of our problem statement. As you can see, this can be a...