Enumerating a CSV file
As you probably have noticed by now, a sequence is quite a versatile data structure and we can use a file to populate a sequence. As seen in the next screenshot, I have created a tab-separated text file with the information about some programming languages, and their respective designers or creators:
Like various other methods specified earlier for populating a sequence, it can also easily be seeded by reading from the text file as follows:
let data = seq { use s = new System.IO.StreamReader("ProgrammingLanguages.txt") while not s.EndOfStream do yield s.ReadLine() }
And just like any other sequence, you can print the data by using the printfn
> data |> printfn "%A";; seq ["C Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie 1972"; "C++ Bjarne Stroustrup 1985"; "C# Anders Hejlsberg 2000"; "F# Don Syme 2005"; ...] val it : unit = () >
OK, now that we have this basic functionality out of our system, let's build...