Chapter 9: Programming RGB Strips in Python
LED lights can be used with a robot to debug and give it feedback so that the code running on the robot can show its state. Colored RGB LEDs let you mix the red, green, and blue components of light to make many colors, adding brightness and color to a robot. We have not paid much attention to making it look fun, so this time we will focus on that.
Mixing different sequences of LEDs can be used to convey information in real time. You can use which are on/off, their brightness, or their color to represent information. This feedback is easier to read than a stream of text, which will help as sensors are added to the robot. This also means the code on the robot can show state without relying on the SSH terminal to do so.
In this chapter, we will learn the following:
- What is an RGB strip?
- Comparing light strip technologies
- Attaching the light strip to the Raspberry Pi
- Making a robot display a code object
- Using the...