Attaching the IMU to the robot
Before we can use the IMU and write code for it, we must securely mount it on the robot and wire it so that the Raspberry Pi can talk to it.
Physical placement
The IMU magnetometer is sensitive to magnetic fields and needs to be away from the motors. For this reason, it should be on a stalk above the robot.
The orientation of the IMU is essential for other experiments to make sense:

Figure 12.4 – Lining up the IMU with the robot
There is a diagram on top of the IMU. The preceding diagram shows how this diagram should line up with the robot. The X-axis should face forward, while the Z-axis should face up, with the little square on the IMU pointing upward. Finally, the Y-axis should point to the left.
The sensor uses I2C. I2C is sensitive to wire distances, so we should mount it above the Raspberry Pi and motor control board where the wire distances are low. The following image shows the parts you will need...