Working on a new feature or release
Now, suppose you are going to work on a new feature or a release, and for that, you want to create a feature
branch. In the current workspace, you can do that by clicking on Source control and then clicking on Checkout new branch, as shown in Figure 10.6:

Figure 10.6 – Managing source control in workspace
Specify the name of the branch and click on Checkout branch, as shown in Figure 10.7. This will create a new branch from your main
branch as the source and connect your workspace to the newly created branch:

Figure 10.7 – Creating a new branch and checking out
If you have a workspace already created but not connected to the Git repository yet, you can create a new branch while connecting to the Git repository, as shown in Figure 10.8, and connect this workspace to this newly created branch:

Figure 10.8 – Creating a new branch from Workspace...