Chapter 8. Let's Get Social
Since the time of the first videogame, a simple technique has been used to keep them interesting—leaderboards . Leaderboards are a simple way to keep the players playing your game. The players will try to perform better each time, better than their friends, or better than any other players in the world.
Social networks add a new dimension to this simple idea by allowing the game to publish the player score to his/her timeline (or feed). This has many advantages, one of them being that it will help potential new players to learn about your game. If they see that one of their friends just played your game, then they may want to try it too!
In this chapter, we will first show how to implement a simple server-side leaderboard using the same techniques we saw in the previous chapter. We will then see how to allow the player to log in with his/her Twitter account into the game and tweet the score on his/her behalf.
Finally, we will see how to log in to the game using...