Demonstrating a sample use case
In order to see how the Pub/Sub Pattern is used, and make it easy to compare it with the Observer Pattern, we are going to rewrite the dashboard example from Chapter 2, The Observer Pattern, using this pattern. This will also clearly demonstrate how this pattern can help us decouple the individual parts of an implementation and make it more extendable and scalable.
Using Pub/Sub on the dashboard example
For the needs of this demonstration, we will use the HTML and CSS files exactly as we saw them in Chapter 2, The Observer Pattern.

To apply this pattern, we will only need to change the code in the JavaScript file with our new implementation. In the following code snippet, we can see how the code was changed in order to adapt to the Publisher/Subscriber Pattern:
$(document).ready(function() { = $('.dashboardContainer');
$('#categoriesSelector').change(function() {
var $selector = $(this);
var message...