Time for action — linking a photograph into a brochure design
Now let's try to link external files into an Inkscape project. For this example, we will just use the same logo as the previous example. If you did not download it yet, open a browser and go to the following Open Clipart sample logo:
Right-click on the logo and save it to your computer.
- Open a document in Inkscape.
- From the main menu, select File | Import.
The Select file to import window is displayed.
- Locate and select the Sample logo file you just downloaded and select Open.
- When the input screen displays, this time select Link.
- Click OK.
- In a few moments, the logo you selected displays and is embedded within the page of your Inkscape project.
You moved your source file and now need to change the link path to your file?
Right-click on your linked object in your Inkscape file and select Image Properties. Change the URL field to match the new path to the file...