Time for action — importing a PDF into Inkscape
Let's import a non-native Inkscape SVG file into Inkscape—as you may need to do this for client logos, photographs, and any number of other real-world examples. Open a browser and go to this link: http://db.tt/xR0ZlBRL
A PDF will be downloaded and saved to your computer. It will be our sample file to work with during this exercise.
- Open a document in Inkscape. This can be any in-progress file that we have used previously in this chapter, or a new document.
- From the main menu, select File | Import.
The Select file to import window displays, as shown in the following screenshot:
- Locate and select the sample PDF file you just downloaded and select Open.
- When the PDF Import Settings screen displays, adjust settings as needed and click OK.
- Within Page settings, you can choose whether you want all pages of the PDF to be imported or just a specific page number. The Clip to field has various options (media box, crop box, trim box,...