Customizing controls and overlapping maps
The goal of this recipe is to practice working with Google Maps. We will integrate what we learned about working with Google Maps in this chapter and incorporate our control over the user behaviors, such as what controllers the user can use, into it. We will start digging into creating our own unsupported undocumented behaviors, such as locking the users' pan area.
Our main task in this recipe will be to take our work from the previous recipe, and instead of having the map zoom in and move around, create clean transitions between the zoomed in and zoomed out options; but as that isn't supported in a clean way through the interface, we will use external focuses. The idea is simple; we will stack up two maps on top of each other and fade in and out the top map, giving us total control over the fluidity of the transitions.
Getting ready
Even though we are starting from scratch, a lot of the work that we did in the last recipe is being re-used, so I strongly...