Lab – discovering IoT devices
This lab provides a structured approach to discovering and securing IoT devices. It emphasizes practical skills and hands-on experience in assessing and enhancing the security of IoT ecosystems. Let’s complete the following tasks:
- Discover and investigate IoT devices: Do you have IoT devices in your home, such as thermostats, sensors, and alarms? If you do, answer the following:
- List the IoT devices on the network.
- Review the configuration of discovered devices.
- Does the device have the latest firmware?
- What accounts and services are on the device?
- Are there any vulnerabilities associated with the device?
- Network scanning:
- Utilize Nmap to scan the local network for IoT devices
- Identify open ports and services associated with IoT devices
- Use the -O operator to identify an OS
- Device identification and enumeration:
- Use tools such as MAC address lookup to identify device manufacturers
- Network traffic analysis:
- Use Wireshark to capture...