Creating an efficient branching system
In the previous chapters, we saw that Git is very useful when you work within a team. Each developer can work locally, and all the work is merged at a remote place.
When you work on a project using a repository, it will be released sooner rather than later. It will be simple if your work stops here, but your project will probably have some bugs that you will have to fix, and you will also have to add some more features.
Your project evolves over time, and working on the Master branch will only create serious conflicts. However, don't panic, most Git users already encountered this problem.
The best approach is to leave the Master branch as the latest stable version of your repository and develop the branching system around it.
Now, we will see how the Git community tried to avoid using only the Master branch.
Git flow
In 2010, a Dutch iOS developer, Vincent Driessen, published the article Git flow. In this article, he presents how he sets up his branch model...