The Timeline database view
In this section, we will go through the Timeline database view. As mentioned previously, this view has limited uses depending on the plan of the workspace, which was covered in Chapter 3, Templates, Imports, Account Settings, and Workspace Settings.
This view has much more flexibility when looking at the information when considering time, as it has an Hours, Day, Week, Bi-week, Month, Quarter, and Year view, allowing for various levels of overview, as shown in the following screenshot. This view mimics much of the Gantt chart style view you may have seen or experienced in other applications.
Figure 6.30: Different types of views available in the Timeline view
The view works in a similar way to the Calendar view in that instead of having one option in the Calendar by setting, there are two date properties allowed in the Timeline by settings, meaning you can use a Start date property and End date property. This allows for options...