Course Units
Within a subsection, you will find a unit containing at least one component, including a content experiment, HTML, problems, discussions, and videos. Students will see a unit as a single page. In addition, a unit is not represented in the course accordion, but instead it appears in the course ribbon at the top of each unit.
In the following screenshot, the unit consists of the right two thirds of the interface, with the Lesson 2: Let's Get Interactive headline. Note that the icon for three other units is in the ribbon above the unit:

Create a unit, either from the course outline or in the same subsection, as follows:
Click on the blue + New Unit button at the bottom of the section in which you want the unit to appear (shown in the following screenshot).
Create a unit from Course Outline.
Create a unit in the same subsection by clicking on the blue + New Unit button in the Unit Location panel; the new unit displays automatically (shown in the following image).
Change the default unit...