Viewing logs using Live Tail
Datadog's Live Tail feature makes the logs available on the logs dashboards as soon as they are available in the backend. It's inspired by the Unix shell command tail
, which continuously puts out any additions to a log file that it tracks. The advantage with Live Tail is that updates to a set of similar log files from multiple sources can be tracked on one dashboard.
The Live Tail option is available on the Containers dashboard as in the following screenshot:
Figure 12.7 – The Live Tail option to view logs in real time
Log Explorer also has a Live Tail option available as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 12.8 – Live Tail on Log Explorer
In this section, you have learned how the Live Tail option can be useful in terms of looking at the logs and reporting on them on a regular basis. In the next section, you will learn how to search a vast number of logs that would be collected...