As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
Add Column tab 52
columns, merging 53
ALL function 97
AND function 97, 106
AppSheet 7
associative colors 235
bridge table 32
calculated columns 87, 88, 112
CALCULATE function 97, 110, 111, 117
CALENDAR function 117
calendar tables 9, 10
creating 72, 73
Caspio 7
charts 157
adding 213-224
creating 159-163
formatting 213-224
client tools
fields, hiding from 82-84
tables, hiding from 82-84
collaboration, Excel 270, 273
considerations 272, 273
inviting, people to 273-275
associative colors 235
gradient colors, using for scale 235-244
key data, highlighting 245
using 235
adding, to data model 69-71
CONCATENATE function 98
conditional formatting 175, 209-212
connections 39...