Time for action - building the title page
As I've suggested in other projects, take the time now to build a title page. It will make you feel good to have it and seems, to me, to give a little kickstart to the creative process of actually committing script to paper.
Open the title page form by left clicking on the Title Page button at the bottom of the main script window, as shown in the following screenshot:
Fill out the form with title, author(s) name(s), copyright notice, and contact information. Remember what I told you earlier: Use a letter c
in parentheses or ( c )
to indicate copyright (as shown in the following screenshot). Do not use the Alt+0169 key combination, which gives a regular copyright symbol ©, as that symbol, due to a glitch in Celtx's online formatting, is returned as a garbage character. Until that's fixed, use the preceding workaround.
Typeset your title page to make sure it looks okay (convert it to PDF) by left clicking on the Typeset/PDF button at the bottom of the...