A brief overview
How are we going to control the consistency of the read and write operations in Cassandra? For this, it is important to take a look at the tuning parameters available in Cassandra and see how these parameter values affect the writes and reads in the Cassandra nodes.
In a cluster of Cassandra nodes, a row in a column family is replicated on multiple nodes as per the replication factor setting. When a write takes place, it is first written onto the co-ordinator node, and eventually replicated onto the other nodes, and only then will the data that has been written be consistent across all the nodes. A client writing data into Cassandra column family need not wait until the data that is written onto one node is replicated in all the replica nodes. In such cases, there are many ways to make sure that the data is consistent across all the nodes even when the client is not waiting for the confirmation from all the nodes after the write operation. One of them is a proactive method...