Committing your database state (if you don’t seed it, you lose it)
So far, you’ve put quite a lot of work into your Supabase instance, creating users and tables, and rows within those tables. Now, imagine that you restart your computer and run supabase start
to spin up your local Supabase, but everything you’ve done on that local instance is unrecoverably lost and all the Terminal says is Database unhealthy. Usually, this shouldn’t happen, but it did happen more than twice to me.
Your data in your local instance is stored in a Docker volume without you having to take care of it. But just as on a server, there are a thousand reasons why the volume can get damaged (for example, because you didn’t stop the containers gracefully), and if that happens, no matter the reason, you have a problem if you don’t have a backup. Instead of focusing on that problem, though, you should focus on avoiding it. Losing work means losing precious time, and that...