Deploying Azure Databricks in a VNet and accessing a secure storage account
In this recipe, you will learn how to deploy an Azure Databrick service in your own Virtual Network (VNet). Deploying Azure Databricks in a VNet enables you to connect to services such as Azure Storage over private endpoints. It also allows you to connect to on-premises data sources and restrict outgoing traffic. Control plane resources will be deployed to a Microsoft-managed VNet. Only data plane resources can be deployed in your own VNet.
Getting ready
Before you start this recipe, you need to create a VNet. To do so, follow the steps mentioned in the following article:
Ensure you have created two subnets, including the IP range, with the names shown in the following screenshot in the VNet you have created. Provide CIDR ranges in a block up to /26
in size (for this recipe, since we are creating a small cluster) while providing...