This chapter covered the different types of logs produced by various AWS services and how they can be stored for later use and consumption or, if needed, for an audit.
You saw how S3 can record access to its objects and folders using S3 access logging. You also explored how to troubleshoot and record network activity using VPC Flow Logs. In reviewing another way to capture network traffic, you saw the capabilities of both ELB logging and WAF logs.
You also learned about the service that records all API calls, CloudTrail. You examined how to turn on a new trail for a specific purpose and how to look up events in that trail. In case using the legacy trail becomes limiting, you looked at how to expand the capabilities of CloudTrail using CloudTrail Lake.
Chapter 8, CloudWatch and CloudWatch Metrics, will discuss the CloudWatch service and how it consumes logs. You will also see how CloudWatch can gather and publish predefined and custom metrics from our services.