Animating coffee steam
In this next project, we’ll modify the particle system file to create steam that we can use to create a steaming cup of coffee animation. Well also look at a technique where we can place the steam directly inside the coffee by overlapping images. To get started, create a new project and call it Coffee
, and then we’ll move on to creating the SpriteKit particle file.
Creating the Smoke SpriteKit particle file
To create the file, like before, press Command + N, choose the SpriteKit Particle File template, and let’s pick Smoke from the particle template options again (yes, Smoke again, but we will make it look like steam this time).
Now, we will modify the various properties to create our animation. Change all the properties in your SKS file to look like the following figure:
Figure 15.6: The attributes of the coffee steam animation
All of those properties have been explained in the previous project. If you&...