This book presupposes some basic knowledge of TypeScript and Angular 2. Anyway, we would like to give the readers an overview of the most important TypeScript and Angular key concepts used in this book. We will summarize TypeScript and Angular features and present them in understandable, simple, but deeply explained portions. At the time of writing the book, the current TypeScript and Angular Versions are 2.3.x and 4.2.x, respectively. Readers will also meet the PrimeNG UI library for the first time and gain experience with project setups in three various ways. At the end of this chapter, readers will be able to run the first Angular- and PrimeNG-based web application.
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
- TypeScript fundamentals
- Advanced types, decorators, and compiler options
- Angular cheat sheet - overview of key concepts
- Angular modularity and lifecycle hooks
- Running PrimeNG with SystemJS
- Setting up PrimeNG project with Webpack
- Setting up PrimeNG project with Angular CLI