Estimating using GreenHopper
GreenHopper provides you the following options for estimating your backlog items:
Story points
Story points are relative numbers assigned to a Story representing the Story complexity in comparison to base Story. The velocity will be calculated based on the Story points covered in a Sprint. If no time tracking is selected, the Burndown chart will display the number of Story points completed over Sprint timelines.
Original time estimate
Original time estimates are the ideal days or hours that will be used for the estimations. The team velocity will be measured in hours.
Business value
Business value refers to the business value delivered by an issue. Further data will also be calculated against the business value field data.
Issue count
The issue count is the number of issues planned for a sprint. Here, no estimations would be required. The velocity will also be calculated based on the total number of issues delivered in a sprint. To configure the estimation statistics...