Yesterday, at Uber Open Summit 2018, the company announced that it is joining the Linux Foundation as a Gold Member with a promise to support the open source community via the Linux Foundation.
Jim Zemlin, Executive Director of the Linux Foundation, said, “Uber has been influential in the open source community for years, and we’re very excited to welcome them as a Gold member at the Linux Foundation. Uber truly understands the power of open source and community collaboration, and I am honored to witness that first hand as a part of Uber Open Summit 2018.”
By being a member, Uber will support the Linux Foundation’s mission and help the community in building ecosystems that accelerate open source technology development. Uber will also work towards solving complex technical problems and further promote open source adoption globally.
Zemlin said, “Their expertise will be instrumental for our projects as we continue to advance open solutions for cloud-native technologies, deep learning, data visualization and other technologies that are critical to businesses today.”
Thuan Pham, Uber CTO, said, “The Linux Foundation not only provides homes to many significant open source projects but also creates an open environment for companies like Uber to work together on developing these technologies. We are honored to join the Linux Foundation to foster greater collaboration with the open source community.”
To know more about this membership in detail, head over to Uber Engineering.
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