(For more resources on Flash and Games, see here.)
A lobby, in a multiplayer game, is where people hang around before they go into a specific room to play. When the player comes out of the room, the players are dropped into the lobby again.
The main function of a lobby is to help players quickly find a game room that is suited for them and join.
When the player is said to be in a lobby, the player will be able to browse rooms within the lobby that can be entered. The player may be able to see several attributes and the status of each game room. For example, the player will be able to see how many players are in the room already, giving a hint that the game in the room is about to begin. If it is a four-player game and three are already in, there is a greater chance that the game will start soon. Depending on the game, the room may also show a lot of other information such as avatar names of all the players already in the room and who the host is.
In a car race game, the player may be able to see what kind of map is chosen to play, what level of difficulty the room is set to, etc. Most lobbies also offer a quick join functionality where the system chooses a room for the player and enters them into it.
The act of joining a room means the player leaves the lobby, which in turn means that the player is now unaware or not interested in any updates that happen in the lobby. The player now only receives events that occur within the game room, such as, another player has entered or departed or the host has left and a new host was chosen by the server.
When a player is in the lobby, the player constantly receives updates that happen within the lobby. For example, events such as new room creation, deletion, and room-related updates. The room-related updates include the players joining or leaving the room and the room status changing from waiting to playing.
A sophisticated lobby design lets a player delay switching to the room screen until the game starts. This is done so as to not have a player feel all alone once they create a room and get inside it. In this design, the player can still view activities in the lobby, and there's an opportunity for players to change their mind and jump to another table (game room) instantaneously.
The lobby screen may also provide a chatting interface. The players will be able to view all the players in the lobby and even make friends.
Note that the lobby for a popular game may include thousands of players. The server may be bogged down by sending updates to all the players in the lobby. As an advanced optimization, various pagination schemes may be adopted where the player only receives updates from only a certain set of rooms that is currently being viewed on the screen.
In some cases, lobbies are organized into various categories to lessen the player traffic and thus the load on the server. Some of the ways you may want to break down the lobbies are based on player levels, game genres, and geographic location, etc.
The lobbies are most often statically designed, meaning a player may not create a lobby on the fly.
The server's responsibility is to keep track of all the players in the lobby and dispatch them with all events related to lobby and room activity.
The rooms that are managed within a lobby may be created dynamically or sometimes statically. In a statically created room, the players simply occupy them, play the game, and then leave. Also in this design, the game shows with a bunch of empty rooms, say, one hundred of them. If all rooms are currently in play state, then the player needs to wait to join a room that is in a wait state and is open to accepting a new player into the room.
The game room required for the game is also modeled via the schema file (Download here-chap3). Subclassing should be done when you want to define additional properties on a game room that you want to store within the game room. The properties that you might want to add would be specific to your game. However, some of the commonly required properties are already defined in the GameRoom class. You will only need to define one such subclass for a game. The following are the properties defined on the GameRoom Class:
Property |
Notes |
Room name |
Name of the game room typically set during game room creation |
Host name |
The server keeps track of this value and is set to the current host of the room. The room host is typically the creator. If the host leaves the room while others are still in it, an arbitrary player in the room is set as host. |
Host ID |
Is maintained by the server similar to host name. |
Password |
Should be set by the developer upon creating a new game room. |
Player count |
The server keeps track of this value as and when the players enter or leave the room. |
Max player count |
Should be set by the developer upon creating a new game room. The server will automatically reject the player joining the room if the player count is equal to the max player count |
Room status |
The possible values for this property are GameConstants.ROOM_STATE_WAITING or GameConstants.ROOM_STATE_PLAYING The server keeps track of these value-based player actions such as PulseClient.startGame API. |
Room type |
The possible values for this property are value combinations of GameConstants.ROOM_TURN_BASED and GameConstants.ROOM_DISALLOW_POST_START The developer should set this value upon creating a new room. The server controls the callback API behavior based on this property. |
Action |
A server-reserved property; the developer should not use this for any purpose. |
The developer may inherit from the game room and specify an arbitrary number of properties. Note that the total number of bytes should not exceed 1K bytes.
A room is where a group of players play a particular game. A player that joins the room first or enters first is called game or room host. The host has some special powers. For example, the host can set the difficulty level of the game, set the race track to play, limit the number of people that can join the game, and even set a password on the room.
If there is more than one player in the room and the host decides to leave the room, then usually the system automatically chooses another player in the room as a host and this event is notified to all players in room.
Once the player is said to be in the room, the player starts receiving events for any player entering or leaving the room, or any room-property changes such as the host setting a different map to play, etc. The players can also chat with each other when they are in a game room.
Seating order is not required for all kinds of games, for example, a racing game may not place as much importance on the starting position of the player's cars, although the system may assign one automatically. This is also true in the case of two-player games such as chess. But players in a card game of four players around a table may wish to be seated at a specific position, for example, across from a friend who would be a partner during the game play.
In these cases, a player entering a room also requests to sit at a certain position. In this kind of a lobby or room design, the GUI shows which seats are currently occupied and which seats are not. The server may reject the player request if another player is already seated at the requested seat. This happens when the server has already granted the position to another player just an instant before the player requested and the UI was probably not updated. In this case, the server will choose another vacant seat if one is available or else the server will reject the player entrance into the room.