In this article by Vikram Murugesan, the author of the book Microservices Deployment Cookbook, we will see a brief introduction to concept of the microservices.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Now that our project is ready, let's look at how to write our microservice. There are several Java-based frameworks that let you create microservices. One of the most popular frameworks from the Spring ecosystem is the Spring Boot framework. In this article, we will look at how to create a simple microservice application using Spring Boot.
Any application requires an entry point to start the application. For Java-based applications, you can write a class that has the main method and run that class as a Java application. Similarly, Spring Boot requires a simple Java class with the main method to run it as a Spring Boot application (microservice). Before you start writing your Spring Boot microservice, you will also require some Maven dependencies in your pom.xml file.
com.packt.microservices.geolocation.GeoLocationApplication.java and give it an empty main method:
package com.packt.microservices.geolocation;
public class GeoLocationApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// left empty intentionally
package com.packt.microservices.geolocation;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class GeoLocationApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(GeoLocationApplication.class, args);
As you can see, we have added an annotation, @SpringBootApplication, to our class. The @SpringBootApplication annotation reduces the number of lines of code written by adding the following three annotations implicitly:
If you are familiar with Spring, you will already know what the first two annotations do. @EnableAutoConfiguration is the only annotation that is part of Spring Boot. The AutoConfiguration package has an intelligent mechanism that guesses the configuration of your application and automatically configures the beans that you will likely need in your code.
You can also see that we have added one more line to the main method, which actually tells Spring Boot the class that will be used to start this application. In our case, it is GeoLocationApplication.class. If you would like to add more initialization logic to your application, such as setting up the database or setting up your cache, feel free to add it here.
curl http://localhost:8080
{"timestamp":1467420963000,"status":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"No message available","path":"/"}
This error message is being produced by Spring. This verifies that our Spring Boot microservice is ready to start building on with more features. There are more configurations that are needed for Spring Boot, which we will perform later in this article along with Spring MVC.
WildFly Swarm is a J2EE application packaging framework from RedHat that utilizes the in-memory Undertow server to deploy microservices. In this article, we will create the same GeoLocation API using WildFly Swarm and JAX-RS.
To avoid confusion and dependency conflicts in our project, we will create the WildFly Swarm microservice as its own Maven project. This article is just here to help you get started on WildFly Swarm. When you are building your production-level application, it is your choice to either use Spring Boot, WildFly Swarm, Dropwizard, or SparkJava based on your needs.
Similar to how we created the Spring Boot Maven project, create a Maven WAR module with the groupId com.packt.microservices and name/artifactId geolocation-wildfly. Feel free to use either your IDE or the command line. Be aware that some IDEs complain about a missing web.xml file. We will see how to fix that in the next section.
The one thing that you have to note here is the provided scope. The provide scope in general means that this JAR need not be bundled with the final artifact when it is built. Usually, the dependencies with provided scope will be available to your application either via your web server or application server. In this case, when Wildfly Swarm bundles your app and runs it on the in-memory Undertow server, your server will already have this dependency.
package com.packt.microservices.geolocation;
import javax.ws.rs.ApplicationPath;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Application;
public class GeoLocationApplication extends Application {
public GeoLocationApplication() {}
There are two things to note in this class; one is the Application class and the other is the @ApplicationPath annotation—both of which we've already talked about.
package com.packt.microservices.geolocation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.ws.rs.GET;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import javax.ws.rs.Produces;
public class GeoLocationResource {
public List<GeoLocation> findAll() {
return new ArrayList<>();
All the three annotations, @GET, @Path, and @Produces, are pretty self explanatory.
Before we start writing the APIs and the service class, let's test the application from the command line to make sure it works as expected. With the current implementation, any GET request sent to the /geolocation URL should return an empty JSON array.
So far, we have created the RESTful APIs using JAX-RS. It's just another JAX-RS project:
java –jar target/geolocation-wildfly-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-swarm.jar
curl http://localhost:8080/geolocation
package com.packt.microservices.geolocation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class GeoLocationServiceImpl implements GeoLocationService {
private static List<GeoLocation> geolocations = new ArrayList<>();
public GeoLocation create(GeoLocation geolocation) {
return geolocation;
public List<GeoLocation> findAll() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(geolocations);
private GeoLocationService service = new GeoLocationServiceImpl();
public List<GeoLocation> findAll() {
return service.findAll();
public GeoLocation create(GeoLocation geolocation) {
return service.create(geolocation);
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"timestamp": 1468203975, "userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77", "latitude": 41.803488, "longitude": -88.144040}' http://localhost:8080/geolocation
"latitude": 41.803488,
"longitude": -88.14404,
"userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77",
"timestamp": 1468203975
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"timestamp": 1468203975, "userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77", "latitude": 9.568012, "longitude": 77.962444}' http://localhost:8080/geolocation
"latitude": 9.568012,
"longitude": 77.962444,
"userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77",
"timestamp": 1468203975
curl http://localhost:8080/geolocation
"latitude": 41.803488,
"longitude": -88.14404,
"userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77",
"timestamp": 1468203975
"latitude": 9.568012,
"longitude": 77.962444,
"userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77",
"timestamp": 1468203975
Whatever we have seen so far will give you a head start in building microservices with WildFly Swarm. Of course, there are tons of features that WildFly Swarm offers. Feel free to try them out based on your application needs. I strongly recommend going through the WildFly Swarm documentation for any advanced usages.
Dropwizard is a collection of libraries that help you build powerful applications quickly and easily. The libraries vary from Jackson, Jersey, Jetty, and so on. You can take a look at the full list of libraries on their website. This ecosystem of libraries that help you build powerful applications could be utilized to create microservices as well. As we saw earlier, it utilizes Jetty to expose its services. In this article, we will create the same GeoLocation API using Dropwizard and Jersey.
To avoid confusion and dependency conflicts in our project, we will create the Dropwizard microservice as its own Maven project. This article is just here to help you get started with Dropwizard. When you are building your production-level application, it is your choice to either use Spring Boot, WildFly Swarm, Dropwizard, or SparkJava based on your needs.
Similar to how we created other Maven projects, create a Maven JAR module with the groupId com.packt.microservices and name/artifactId geolocation-dropwizard. Feel free to use either your IDE or the command line. After the project is created, if you see that your project is using a Java version other than 1.8. Perform a Maven update for the change to take effect.
The first thing that you will need is the dropwizard-core Maven dependency. Add the following snippet to your project's pom.xml file:
Guess what? This is the only dependency you will need to spin up a simple Jersey-based Dropwizard microservice.
Before we start configuring Dropwizard, we have to create the domain object, service class, and resource class:
Let's see what each of these classes does. The GeoLocation.java class is our domain object that holds the geolocation information. The GeoLocationService.java class defines our interface, which is then implemented by the GeoLocationServiceImpl.java class. If you take a look at the GeoLocationServiceImpl.java class, we are using a simple collection to store the GeoLocation domain objects. In a real-time scenario, you will be persisting these objects in a database. But to keep it simple, we will not go that far.
To be consistent with the previous, let's change the path of GeoLocationResource to /geolocation. To do so, replace @Path("/") with @Path("/geolocation") on line number 11 of the GeoLocationResource.java class.
We have now created the service classes, domain object, and resource class. Let's configure Dropwizard.
In order to make your project a microservice, you have to do two things:
If you would like to know more about configuring Dropwizard, refer to their Getting Started documentation page at http://www.dropwizard.io/0.7.1/docs/getting-started.html.
package com.packt.microservices.geolocation;
import io.dropwizard.Configuration;
public class GeoLocationConfiguration extends Configuration {
package com.packt.microservices.geolocation;
import io.dropwizard.Application;
import io.dropwizard.setup.Environment;
public class GeoLocationApplication extends Application<GeoLocationConfiguration> {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new GeoLocationApplication().run(args);
public void run(GeoLocationConfiguration config, Environment env) throws Exception {
env.jersey().register(new GeoLocationResource());
There are a lot of things going on here. Let's look at them one by one. Firstly, this class extends Application with the GeoLocationConfiguration generic. This clearly makes an instance of your GeoLocationConfiguraiton.java class available so that you have access to all the properties you have defined in your YAML file at the same time mapped in the Configuration class. The next one is the run method. The run method takes two arguments: your configuration and environment. The Environment instance is a wrapper to other library-specific objects such as MetricsRegistry, HealthCheckRegistry, and JerseyEnvironment. For example, we could register our Jersey resources using the JerseyEnvironment instance. The env.jersey().register(new GeoLocationResource())line does exactly that. The main method is pretty straight-forward. All it does is call the run method.
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
java -jar target/geolocation-dropwizard-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar server
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"timestamp": 1468203975, "userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77", "latitude": 41.803488, "longitude": -88.144040}' http://localhost:8080/geolocation
"latitude": 41.803488,
"longitude": -88.14404,
"userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77",
"timestamp": 1468203975
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"timestamp": 1468203975, "userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77", "latitude": 9.568012, "longitude": 77.962444}' http://localhost:8080/geolocation
"latitude": 9.568012,
"longitude": 77.962444,
"userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77",
"timestamp": 1468203975
curl http://localhost:8080/geolocation
"latitude": 41.803488,
"longitude": -88.14404,
"userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77",
"timestamp": 1468203975
"latitude": 9.568012,
"longitude": 77.962444,
"userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77",
"timestamp": 1468203975
Excellent! You have created your first microservice with Dropwizard. Dropwizard offers more than what we have seen so far. Some of it is out of scope for this article. I believe the metrics API that Dropwizard uses could be used in any type of application.
So far in this article, we have seen how to package our application and how to install Docker. Now that we have our JAR artifact and Docker set up, let's see how to Dockerize our microservice application using Docker.
In order to Dockerize our application, we will have to tell Docker how our image is going to look. This is exactly the purpose of a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile has its own syntax (or Dockerfile instructions) and will be used by Docker to create images. Throughout this article, we will try to understand some of the most commonly used Dockerfile instructions as we write our Dockerfile for the geolocation tracker microservice.
Docker Official Repositories are very well documented, and they follow best practices and standards. Docker has its own team to maintain these repositories. This is essential in order to keep the repository clear, thus helping the user make the right choice of repository. To read more about Docker Official Repositories, take a look at https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/official_repos/
RUN mkdir -p /opt/packt/geolocation
This is a simple Unix command that creates the /opt/packt/geolocation directory. The –p flag instructs it to create the intermediate directories if they don't exist. Now let's create an instruction that will add the JAR file that was created in your local machine into the container at /opt/packt/geolocation.
ADD target/geolocation-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /opt/packt/geolocation/
CMD ["java", "-jar", "/opt/packt/geolocation/geolocation-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]
There are two things we have to note here. Once is the way we are starting the application and the other is how the command is broken down into comma-separated Strings.
First, let's talk about how we start the application. You might be wondering why we haven't used the mvn spring-boot:run command to start the application. Keep in mind that this command will be executed inside the container, and our container does not have Maven installed, only OpenJDK 8. If you would like to use the maven command, take that as an exercise, and try to install Maven on your container and use the mvn command to start the application. Now that we know we have Java installed, we are issuing a very simple java –jar command to run the JAR. In fact, the Spring Boot Maven plugin internally issues the same command.
The next thing is how the command has been broken down into comma-separated Strings. This is a standard that the CMD instruction follows. To keep it simple, keep in mind that for whatever command you would like to run upon running the container, just break it down into comma-separated Strings (in whitespaces).
Your final Dockerfile should look something like this:
FROM openjdk:8
RUN mkdir -p /opt/packt/geolocation
ADD target/geolocation-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /opt/packt/geolocation/
CMD ["java", "-jar", "/opt/packt/geolocation/geolocation-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]
This Dockerfile is one of the simplest implementations. Dockerfiles can sometimes get bigger due to the fact that you need a lot of customizations to your image. In such cases, it is a good idea to break it down into multiple images that can be reused and maintained separately.
There are some best practices to follow whenever you create your own Dockerfile and image. Though we haven't covered that here as it is out of the scope of this article, you still should take a look at and follow them. To learn more about the various Dockerfile instructions, go to https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/.
We created the Dockerfile, which will be used in this article to create an image for our microservice. If you are wondering why we would need an image, it is the only way we can ship our software to any system. Once you have your image created and uploaded to a common repository, it will be easier to pull your image from any location.
Before you jump right into it, it might be a good idea to get yourself familiar with some of the most commonly used Docker commands. In this article, we will use the build command. Take a look at this URL to understand the other commands: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/#/image-commands. After familiarizing yourself with the commands, open up a new terminal, and change your directory to the root of the geolocation project. Make sure your docker-machine instance is running. If it is not running, use the docker-machine start command to run your docker-machine instance:
docker-machine start default
If you have to configure your shell for the default Docker machine, go ahead and execute the following command:
eval $(docker-machine env default)
docker build –t packt/geolocation.
Dockerfiles can be renamed to something other than Dockerfile and can be referred to using the –f option of the docker build command. An instance of this being used is when teams have different Dockerfiles for different build environments, for example, using DockerfileDev for the dev environment, DockerfileStaging for the staging environment, and DockerfileProd for the production environment. It is still encouraged as best practice to use other Docker options in order to keep the same Dockerfile for all environments.
As you can see, the newly built image is listed as packt/geolocation in your Docker host. The tag for this image is latest as we did not specify any. The image ID uniquely identifies your image. Note the size of the image. It is a few megabytes bigger than the openjdk:8 image. That is most probably because of the size of our executable uber JAR inside the container.
Now that we know how to build an image using an existing Dockerfile, we are at the end of this article. This is just a very quick intro to the docker build command. There are more options that you can provide to the command, such as CPUs and memory.
To learn more about the docker build command, take a look at this page:
We successfully created our Docker image in the Docker host. Keep in mind that if you are using Windows or Mac, your Docker host is the VirtualBox VM and not your local computer. In this article, we will look at how to spin off a container for the newly created image.
To spin off a new container for our packt/geolocation image, we will use the docker run command. This command is used to run any command inside your container, given the image. Open your terminal and go to the root of the geolocation project. If you have to start your Docker machine instance, do so using the docker-machine start command, and set the environment using the docker-machine env command.
docker run packt/geolocation
Yay! We can see that our microservice is running as a Docker container. But wait—there is more to it. Let's see how we can access our microservice's in-memory Tomcat instance. Try to run a curl command to see if our app is up and running:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"timestamp": 1468203975, "userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77", "latitude": 41.803488, "longitude": -88.144040}' http://localhost:8080/geolocation
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8080: Connection refused
Let's try to understand what happened here. Why would we get a connection refused error when our microservice logs clearly say that it is running on port 8080? Yes, you guessed it right: the microservice is not running on your local computer; it is actually running inside the container, which in turn is running inside your Docker host. Here, your Docker host is the VirtualBox VM called default. So we have to replace localhost with the IP of the container. But getting the IP of the container is not straightforward. That is the reason we are going to map port 8080 of the container to the same port on the VM. This mapping will make sure that any request made to port 8080 on the VM will be forwarded to port 8080 of the container.
docker run –p 8080:8080 packt/geolocation
docker-machine ip default.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"timestamp": 1468203975, "userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77", "latitude": 41.803488, "longitude": -88.144040}'
"latitude": 41.803488,
"longitude": -88.14404,
"userId": "f1196aac-470e-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77",
"timestamp": 1468203975
This confirms that you are able to access your microservice from the outside.
We looked at an example of a geolocation tracker application to see how it can be broken down into smaller and manageable services. Next, we saw how to create the GeoLocationTracker service using the Spring Boot framework.