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Whether you are a real Zabbix guru or if you've just started working with Zabbix, this book will include some recipes for everyone. We are going over most of the Zabbix basics and we are even doing some cool stuff with the Zabbix API in the book.
We decided to write this book because we want to supply you with the Zabbix information available online and in official Zabbix training in a clear and straightforward way. We've all been through the process of bookmarking all these amazing community blog posts, community guides, and even official documentation. Sometimes it can be a bit much, which is where this book will help. See it as a guide with something for everyone without the need to Google until your fingers fall off.
Now, even if you are experienced, or have finished this and maybe other books and you've bookmarked every useful page about Zabbix, you might still not know everything. This is where we come in. Zabbix is a free product built on an amazing open source community, but besides that, there are some real Zabbix gurus out there that have decided to make a living out of it. Our company, Opensource ICT Solutions, comes from these humble beginnings and we are there to provide our customers with everything they need when it comes to Zabbix. As a Premium Zabbix partner, we provide the following services:
- Official Zabbix training
- Official Zabbix support
- Zabbix consultancy
- Helpdesk services
So, if you've enjoyed this book, please do think about us and others in our amazing Zabbix community. Give us a follow on LinkedIn (and other social media) and if you ever need help, give us a call! We will definitely be ready to help you out with any questions you might run into.
Brian van Baekel – Founder of Opensource ICT Solutions

PHONE: +1-929-377-1253 or +31(0)72 743 65 83