Ideally, this chapter illuminated the concepts that can help you implement a sound and effective content development strategy. We considered ways in which you can fully engage your visitors with content. We learned how to write effective titles and headlines and how to secure readers' attention from the start. We examined how to use WordPress' built-in tag functionality to expand the reach of your content and make it easier for users to find.
We learned how to create keyword-rich content that is ready-made for search engines—but which users find natural and easy to read. We learned about writing styles: casual versus business, and first-person versus third person. We learned how to adapt WordPress' category structure and hierarchy to organize your content and make it easy to find. Finally, we learned some approaches to hiring out your writing jobs.
With this chapter, we've now got a grasp of the role of content writing in our overall WordPress ranking strategy. Now, we move on to the...