Cross-host Storage vMotion
vMotion can be used to migrate a virtual machine to a different host and datastore simultaneously; this is commonly known as a cross-host Storage vMotion or an Enhanced vMotion. In vSphere 5.1 and later, vMotion does not require environments with shared storage; virtual machines can now be migrated across storage accessibility boundaries.
This option is only available using the vSphere Web Client for a powered on virtual machine; a virtual machine can only simultaneously change host and datastore while powered off using the vSphere Client. This is useful when performing cross-cluster migration whenever the target cluster's ESXi hosts may not have access to the source cluster's storage.
Cross-host Storage vMotion is a manual process; DRS and Storage DRS do not leverage this feature.
No more than two concurrent cross-host Storage vMotion instances are allowed at a time on an ESXi host. Any further attempted instances will be queued until one of the active instances...