A Window is a visual area that floats over the page. You can easily add windows to your UI
Window w1 = new Window("Default window"); addWindow(w1); // from UI class
Once the window is added, it will majestically appear on the screen:

You can disable the close button of the window:
Window w2 = new Window("You can't close this window, sorry");
Or you can fix the size of the window and ban future size changes:
Window w3 = new Window("You can't resize me, ha-ha"); w3.setWidth("200px"); w3.setHeight("100px"); w3.setResizable(false);
As you can see, sizing is done as usual with the setWidth
and setHeight
Usually the content of a window is some kind of layout; however, you can set any component as the window content. Here, we are using a label:
Window w4 = new Window("I have a Label inside");
w4.setContent(new Label("I'm that Label."));
You can also disable window dragging:
Window w5 = new Window(
"You can't drag me :( but you can close me :)");