If you get to apply performance tests in your team, you will be on a whole new level.
We started the chapter by talking about Lighthouse. We only covered the Performance category. But now that you know how it works, I encourage you to keep digging into the other categories and think about how to create tests for that. I would love to see more tests about accessibility.
We also learned how to use Lighthouse in our tests. That's not something you will see quite often. You will be able to test very complex metrics using two lines of code.
Most developers would run away from Puppeteer's tracing results. Although what you can get from there is way more than what we covered, we learned the foundations of such a powerful tool in this chapter.
The size of a page is critical for performance; that's why we learned about code coverage and how to measure it.
And this is also a wrap on this book. When I planned this book, my goal was to write a book that would...