Building a screen saver
We will start by building a screen saver. The program will consist of several random-colored and random-sized balls bouncing all over the screen at random velocity, as shown in the following screenshot:

Let's create a class to generate balls with random attributes. Accordingly, we define a new class named RandomBall
class RandomBall:
def __init__(self, canvas):
self.canvas = canvas
self.screen_width = canvas.winfo_screenwidth()
self.screen_height = canvas.winfo_screenheight()
def create_ball(self):
def generate_random_attributes(self):
self.radius = r = randint(40, 70)
self.x_coordinate = randint(r, self.screen_width - r)
self.y_coordinate = randint(r, self.screen_height - r)
self.x_velocity = randint(6, 12)
self.y_velocity = randint(6, 12)
self.color ...