The pattern of micro frontends is a web architecture for frontend development, borrowed from the idea of microservices in software development, where each module of a frontend is developed and shipped in isolation to avoid complexity and a single point of failure for your frontend.
By definition, micro frontends are the technical representation of a business subdomain. They allow independent implementations with the same or different technology and they should minimize the code shared with other subdomains and are owned by autonomous teams. In this book micro frontends are explored in full detail – starting from simple systems up to complex organizations.
To give you the broadest idea what micro frontends are about the book is divided into four parts – each covering a different angle. The first part only covers the theoretical background, while the second part is all about the most commonly used architecture patterns. The third part contains solutions to the practical challenges. In the final part organizational topics are discussed to help you set up a micro frontend solution in a variety of scenarios.