Part 1 – Getting Started with Modeling and Topology
Topology is the base of all modeling operations. The quality of a model’s topology has a direct effect on the quality and ease of use of the final model. Decisions regarding topology made at the early stages of a model can plague the whole modeling process and beyond, leaving problems that you may have to deal with every time you use the model. That is what makes an understanding of topology so imperative from the start.
We will be looking at topology in Blender, so a quick look at modeling will be our first objective. Once we have an understanding of general modeling in Blender, we will go straight into the fundamentals of topology. In each chapter, we will look at new rules to help guide us in the topology process. These are basic universal rules that apply to any software, with examples done in Blender.
The topics will include things to consider when modeling and then when deforming your model. Finally, we will...