In-Memory OLTP architecture
In-Memory OLTP is a feature of SQL Server that offers the option to create memory-optimized tables and natively compiled modules just like stored procedures. In-Memory OLTP utilizes a portion of memory up to a limit set by the given edition of SQL Server (for example, Enterprise Edition). The data of the memory-optimized tables is placed in memory. Transactions working with data in memory-optimized tables are controlled in optimistic row-versioning mode. Both properties – the memory utilization and optimistic transaction control – lead to a throughput in the database of up to 30 times greater. The adoption of In-Memory OLTP is quite easy from a developers's perspective as the development effort is not increased with new syntax. The traditional T-SQL approach has been kept by Microsoft to ease the adoption of the feature. Besides the simplicity of the development effort, In-Memory OLTP brings great performance benefits to the database.