AWS Outposts pricing options
You are now qualified to describe the engineering aspects of AWS Outposts, use cases, capabilities, and what AWS services it can run. We also touched upon some of its requirements and limitations. AWS Outposts is a fascinating platform that enables a myriad of hybrid architectures. Ready to get one for your data center? Well, let’s see what that means financially.
There is no option to buy and have an AWS Outposts rack or server registered as an asset on your books. With Outposts, you are always purchasing capacity and not hardware – it can only run AWS services and only AWS can perform the configuration, maintenance, and provide spares. Your only option is to purchase the rack for a fixed term.
If you access the AWS pricing page for an AWS Outposts rack at this URL (, the options shown here are for a three-year term. Other terms are available, but those can be obtained by contacting AWS...