Extending profiles and providers
To ensure efficient use of providers and profiles in Salt cloud, the feature of extending enables providers and profiles to extend other providers and profiles, so that their attributes can be inherited and configurations can be made more organized. In this recipe, you will learn how to configure the extend feature in Salt cloud.
How to do it...
Edit /etc/salt/cloud.profiles
to add the following entries:
cookbook_ec2_prod_common_app: provider: cookbook_ec2_us_west_2 minion: master: salt-master environment: production image: ami-721b7b42 grains: server_type: app environment: production tag: {'Environment': 'Production', 'Role': 'Application'} del_root_vol_on_destroy: True script: bootstrap-salt sync_after_install: all cookbook_ec2_prod_app_us-west-2b: availability_zone: us-west-2b network_interfaces: - DeviceIndex: 0 PrivateIpAddresses: - Primary: True AssociatePublicIpAddress: False SubnetId...