Displaying overflowed content with scrollPanel
The scrollPanel
component provides customizable scrollbars instead of the browser's scrolls. In this recipe, we will create panels with a fixed viewport and styled scroll bars applied to them.
How to do it…
A basic definition of a scroll panel with a width of 500 pixels and a height of 500 pixels would be as follows:
<p:scrollPanel style="width:500px;height:500px"> <p:dataGrid var="car" value="#{scrollPanelBean.cars}" columns="2"> <p:panel header="#{car.name}" style="text-align:center"> <p:graphicImage value= "/resources/images/autocomplete/#{car.name}.png" /> </p:panel> </p:dataGrid> </p:scrollPanel>
This will render a list of car models within a data grid. The visual size of the grid will be limited to a 500 x 500 pixel view, and the content can be scrollable horizontally and vertically. By default, according to the selected UI theme, customized scrollbars will be rendered...