Getting creative!
Prezi is a creative tool. Use this to become creative yourself and design a beautiful prezumé in Prezi. In this task, we'll inspire you to design your prezumé and we'll give you lots of examples.
Engage thrusters
Before you start thinking about the design of your own prezumé, you should first watch other prezumés and get inspired. Here are three nice examples, you'll also find them online on You will find other examples in the Explore section on Just search for prezume and you'll find thousands of prezumés.
The first example is a prezumé in a loose layout, complete with coffee stains as shown in the following screenshot:

The second example is the story of Mandi Lindner told in a very nice way! It's build up with the subjects iLearn, iAdapt, and iGrow via iProduce and iWill, and ends with iCan in the overview, as shown in the following screenshot:

The last example is the impressive prezumé of Krista Moroder, Director of Learning for Instructional...