A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is a computer program representing a group of stakeholders and entities and is not influenced by external environments. A DAO is programmed by a set of rules and governance protocols to ensure that transactions occur between parties without the chance of any conflict. Dash and BitShares are some of the earliest implementations of a DAO. In the past few months, many more DAOs have been launched on blockchains such as Ethereum and Bitcoin.
Aragon is an open source DAO running on the Ethereum blockchain network. Aragon leverages Solidity smart contracts for business logic, and IPFS for decentralized files and governance record management, thereby creating a truly P2P operating system for a whole new generation of organizations, called aragonOS. Users can perform operations and govern their DAOs using the Aragon Network Token (ANT).
Aragon has integrated IPFS very closely into its command-line interface (CLI) program...