Getting familiar with basics of the library
There are several ways to get started using Ionic Framework. The easiest way is to utilize Ionic CLI, which is an NPM package. NPM is a dependency manager for Node.js.
How to do it...
Perform the following steps to get started with Ionic framework:
Install Ionic CLI by running the following command in the terminal. You may need super user access:
npm install -g cordova ionic
If somehow Ionic is not installed, you may require root access:
sudo npm install -g cordova ionic
Check your installation by running the following command:
ionic -v
If you see following output, Ionic has been installed on your machine:
Create a new Ionic app project by using a readymade template:
ionic start myapp tabs
Run the project by using the following command; you can change
if you want to emulate on Android instead:cd myapp ionic platform add ios ionic build ios ionic emulate ios
Your Ionic app is running on the emulator:
Congratulations! You have successfully...