- alpha channel
- about / Working with PNGs
- ambient light
- about / Let there be light!
- anatomy, _tmain function
- glutCreateWindow() function / The main entry point
- glutInitWindowSize() function / The main entry point
- glutInitWindowPosition() function / The main entry point
- glutDisplayFunc() function / The main entry point
- initGL() function / The main entry point
- glutMainLoop() function / The main entry point
- return 0 function / The main entry point
- animation
- implementing / A moving example
- update, adding to game loop / Adding update to the game loop
- Update function, implementing / Implementing the main Update call
- Update function, implementing in Sprite class / Implementing Update in the Sprite class
- character movement, implementing / Character movement
- delta time, using / Using delta time
- delta time, calculating / Calculating delta time
- texture, flipping / Flipping
- background, scrolling / Scrolling the background
- artificial intelligence (AI...