What is a Service Layer?
A Service Layer is quite an easy object-oriented concept to understand.
Let's run a test scenario.
You're up late. You've been working for hours on end trying to complete some urgent coding amendments that need to be delivered to a tight deadline. You're tired, but my goodness the work is done. You're dedicated what more can anyone ask for. Be proud.
Just as you finish the final keystroke and save the work, your stomach rumbles. You know what that means. It's time for some food, then off to bed to sleep for an eternity.
Your stomach has told you what to do with the "sleepyStomachRumble()" method. You just need to follow orders now, and you kick into auto-pilot.
First things first, time to shutdown the computer, using the "pcOff()" method. Slide yourself off from your office chair using the "deskEscape()" function, and off to the kitchen to prepare a few slices of toast; "breadIn()", "toasterOn()", and "spreadJam()" methods respectively.
After savoring your hard-earned...