Exploring JMS Connector
JMS Connector provides capabilities to connect, publish, and subscribe from queues and topics.
It supports the following two models for messaging:
- Point-to-point queues: For one-to-one communication. Here, the sender sends the messages to the queue that is specified. The receiver/subscriber subscribes to the messages from the same queue. This message pattern is carried out asynchronously. Even though the subscriber is disconnected from the queue, it will still be able to subscribe to the message from the queue once connected.
- Publish and subscribe topics: For one-to-many communication. Here, the sender sends the message to the topic. Multiple subscribers can subscribe to the same message from the topic. Each subscriber will receive a copy of the message.
If the subscriber is enabled with a durable subscription, it will not lose the message even though the subscriber is not connected. The subscriber can consume the message once the connectivity...