Outcomes report
The outcomes report is used in courses where outcomes have been added to the course. Details of how to enable and add outcomes are provided in Chapter 2, Customizing Grades. If you have tabs at the top of your screen, click on View and then click on the Outcomes report under the tabs. If you're using the drop-down list, choose Outcomes report under the View heading.
The outcomes report can help the teacher see which outcomes are being achieved and at what level; it also helps them see which ones might require additional support or development.

This previous report lists the three outcomes that have been used within this course. These are shown in the first column with the Short name title.
The second column shows you the average grade for each outcome. This average is based on the grades awarded for the outcome divided by the number of times this outcome has been graded. The average is shown in the same scale, as the outcome is graded but the number in brackets is the equivalent...