The Moodle Wiki module enables students to collaborate on a group writing project, build a knowledge base, and discuss class topics. Students can also collaborate on developing rating criteria for a competition, a team-led event, or a business plan for a start-up company or organization.
Here is Moodle 4.0's redesigned Wiki icon:
Figure 9.19 Wiki icon
As a wiki is easy to use, interactive, and organized by date, it encourages collaboration among its participants. This makes it a powerful tool to create group knowledge. The key difference between a forum and a wiki is that when users enter a forum, they see a thread devoted to a topic. Each entry is short. Users read through the thread, one entry at a time. The result is that the discussion becomes prominent. In a wiki, users see the end result of the writing. To see the history of the writing, they must select a History tab. The result is that the end result of the writing becomes prominent.