Use the following questions to test your knowledge of this chapter. You can find the answers in Chapter 18, Assessments:
- Which Microsoft 365 tool can organizations use to track their progress against industry compliance standards?
- GDPR Accelerator
- Compliance Accelerator
- Compliance Manager
- Compliance dashboard
- Identify three encryption technologies or platforms used to secure data in Microsoft 365 from the following:
- BitLocker
- Bootstrapper
- Encryption Manager
- IPsec
- Data residency answers which of the following questions?
- What encryption is used to protect my data?
- Where is my data stored?
- Who has access to my data?
- Which security standards are applied to my data?
- Tenant isolation refers to which of the following concepts?
- Separation of organizational data in a single-tenant environment
- Separation of organizational data in a multi-tenant environment
- Securing record storage in a third-party system
- GDPR compliance
- Which two terms apply to how data in Microsoft 365 is...