Multi-attack web method
The multi-attack web method further takes web attack to the next level by combining several attacks into one. This attack method allows us to club several exploits and vulnerabilities under a single format. Once the file or URL is opened by the target user, then each attack is thrown one by one unless a successful attack is reported. SET automates the process of clubbing different attacks under a single web attack scenario. Let us move ahead and see how this is done.
How to do it...
The multi-attack web method starts similar to other web-based attacks. We start with selecting a template which can either be imported or can be cloned. The difference lies in the next step where we can select various exploits that can be added into the web attack.
Select which attacks you want to use:
1. The Java Applet Attack Method (OFF) 2. The Metasploit Browser Exploit Method (OFF) 3. Credential Harvester Attack Method (OFF) 4. Tabnabbing Attack Method (OFF) 5. Man Left in the Middle...